where thrills are cheap and love's divine

Posts tagged “rhubarb cake

Ramble and shit

I’m writing an essay. At 82 words right now. Including the title. I have until midnight. That’s around 5 hours. And there has to be 800-1000 words. I intend to blog AND write the-shit-I-will-proudly-call-my-final-essay at the same time.

faggy for ointerest

Everything is obsolete and miserable. I couldn’t give 2 shits about anything, but a happy alas! – I continue to be in love. And his love is the greatest joy that has ever come to me. Therefore your tormented and ever so humble narrator is unable to let go entirely and be consumed by the rambling shitfuck one calls circumstance. I’ll lean on you through loveforliffe and do this shit.

98 words. I thought I should describe the thing I’m doing. I’m making an essay about questionnaires. Since the person conducting the lectures was a self-admiring idiot I hope he gets that my choice of this broad subject is meant to mock him. He’s going to have to read 800 words about what is a questionnaire. Like that was the only thought provoked in his shitty classroom. Well, back to it.

186 words. I’ll show you my favorite source. Yea, I know what you’re thinking. Because:

  1. I love and admire Bear Grylls.
  2. And I find no shame in recycling Wikipedia articles into scientific essays to get the final mark and finish this shit.

So yea, I have to agree, I am a survivor. Shameless and unstoppable.

366 words. I went downstairs to get some milk and rhubarb cake my mom made and I realized my essay is in Estonian. But I would really like for my foreign readers to understand it since I doing this post in English and thus teasing you guys a bit. I thought of a cure. Google Translate – paste – cut – paste. You wouldn’t lose a thing. Neither would I.

Oh, speaking of the delicious rhubarb cake… I’m home. As home as one can be. The fresh cut grass and the far away sound of my father’s lawn mower, the playful kittens, the super yummy food, the funny YouTube videos being all witty and obscene in the other room with my brother’s laughter interrupting them. I’m in my happy tranquil place. I’m as peaceful as I can get with this ton of shit on my back I have to craft into positive exam results.

Getting more cake and milk. Then back to the sturdy shit wagon some call Microsoft Word.

407 words. It is always a bit of a bad sign when you’re only half way through and you think it’s the right time to prepare the e-mail you have to write to send the essay. It feels like it’s just too soon.

415 words. It is unbelievable how little I want to do this.

424 words. Exactly 3 hours left. I’d like to have sex and/or sleep at this point.

I guess I have to continue writing then :(

575 words. This is also a good source. I just translate this shit and ramble on about it in quite logical paragraphs.
Did you know every huntsman has to give the state 10 euros a year now? Just for being a hunter. They still pay for the specific licenses when they want to shoot something etc guns stuff.
I think I’d like to kill something. In general. But I know I’d have a hard time killing an animal.

696 words. Hunger creeps up on me. I have an hour and a half left for at least 1o4 words. As I don’t intend to write more than 111 words more I do declare I shall eat. Probably soup. Since we have some.

818 words. I’m done. 44 minutes before the deadline. Hot as hell in here.
On to the next one.